Financing Available through Alabama Power
Alabama Power Smart Financing offers affordable finance options for anyone living in the state of Alabama! You do NOT have to be a customer of Alabama Power to apply, but the project you are requesting financing for does have to be within the state. Smart Financing is available on purchases from $2,000 to $25,000 with lending rates ranging from 9.9% to 19.9%. A co-applicant is welcomed to apply as well, but the primary applicant must be the homeowner. Current qualified Alabama Power customers can put the financing on their monthly power bill; other qualified customers will receive a monthly bill from Alabama Power.
If interested in this financing option, Foamaholics LLC is an approved Smart Financing service provider. The application process is quick and easy to get you approved. We will take the application in-person through the Smart Financing app. Usually takes about an hour to fill out the application and to receive the approval. Once approved, Foamaholics LLC will complete the project and Alabama Power Smart Financing will take of paying us for the project.
For more information please visit:
Alabama Power at:
Smart Financing at:
OR contact us for your home energy upgrade!